No the debate has gone from philosophical splitting hairs to just pure ole anti-contraception, Christianite crusading overreach:

The amendment by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) purports to focus on contraception, but it goes well beyond that. As written, it would permit all employers to deny any health services in their insurance plans that aren’t in accordance with their “religious beliefs and moral convictions.” The measure states no limitations or criteria, which means employers have free rein to decide what medical care their employees may or may not receive.

Are they that fucking stupid?

Senate New England GOPers Snowe and Collins both approved of the President's compromise and are avoiding commenting this shit (so far) like it's the plague. Brown tried to straddle, and his fall rival Warren kicked him off the fence.

But "frontrunner" Rick Santorum is all for this fight against contraceptives:

"It's not okay because it's a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be."