But like Turi says girls do mature faster, and it really does depend on the maturity level.
I agree that girls mature faster but sometimes (Hides behind couch) they can be very ignorant when it comes to older guys. (sorry thats my feelings) I think girls will do almost ANYTHING as long as this "great older guy" is seen with her.

Also like I said before, the first question I would want to ask him is why does he need to go after a 17/18 year old girl? Why can't he find someone his own age to date. There are only 2 answers to that: 1) he is a complete moron 2) he is only after sex, and can get it easier with a younger girl.

and no bat at all TIS. ANY man who takes advantage of a woman or treats her bad in anyway deserves to be beaten with fists for a VERY LONG time. Bats can do too much damage too quick sometimes wink

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"