You obviously don't understand the way the Outfit is structured. Also, They never said during the Family secrects case there were only 28 made members. In fact, during the family secrects trial,they said there were 60 active made members. However, they were talking about the recent past. That number came fron Nick Calabrese, himself. My uncle is Joey Lombardo. He was wrongly convicted in the case. I was present at the Family secrets trial. Your facts are wrong. The F B.I. MADE THAT LOW ESTIMATE AFTER THE FAMILY SECRETS TRIAL NOT DURING THE TRIAL. DURING THE TRIAL, THE ONLY NUMBERR THAT CAME UP WAS 60 BY NICK CALABRESE. HE ALSO SAID THER WERE 6 STREET CREWS.Again, he was talking about the recent past. I KNOW MORE ABOUT HOW THE oUTFIT OPERATES THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW IN YOUR FUCKING LIFETIME.