The Chart by Burnstein is basically a joke. He is a Detriot guy who does not understand the Outfit. He even has a bunch of dead guys listed. The Outfit at its peak never had more than 75 made guys back during the Giancana days from 1957 to 1966. After that, from about 1970 to 1986, the Outfit was about 60 or so made active guys on the street. The Chicago Outfit has always been structured way different than New York. The Soldiers in the 6 street crews are not made men. They belong to the Outfit, but are not made men. The Soldiers work for the Made men. Always has been that way. The Outfit has always been organized by street crew power. The Top Boss of the Outfit has the Strongest Crew. The other Crews are partners with his Crew. The strength of the Outfit is not measured by made men because being made into the Outfit is a very elite thing and takes a long time to happen. In New York, they make everybody and his brother, that's why it's more rat infested and not as well organized as the Oufit. In Chicago, the Boss of a crew is equal to a boss of a Family in New York. In Chicago, a made man is a big deal and is equal to a captain in New York. The Soldiers work for the made guys and do specific jobs. How do I know this inside information about the structure of the Outfit? Because my Uncle is a made man in the Outfit and has been for 30 years. the one family that the Outfit would communicate with in the past was the Genovese Family. Chicago has it's own commission and had the final say on everything in the Midwest all the way out west, including Las Vegas, where they told New York to get the fuck out years ago..