Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Ernie Lapanzina,jimmy "the jap",eric curcio, frank sparaco, donnie shacks montemarano, and joseph "joe" baudanza are with persico faction

armondo "chips" decostanza, ralph lombardo,dennis guzzardo is with orena faction

joe "legs" legrano,robert donofrio jumped from the orena to persico faction

check out the fbi documents listing all this http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/mafia-soldiers-support-bush-cheney

nicholas rizzo,John "Junior Lollipops" Carna,john minerva, salvatore miciotta defected from the persicos to the orena faction according to an old gangland from november 2011

"Along with Minerva, Carna and Salvatore (Big Sal) Micciotta, Rizzo defected to the rebel faction under Victor (Little Vic) Orena during the bloody family feud. But he took no part in the shooting war according to FBI interviews of several turncoats including Micciotta, Carmine Sessa, and Joseph (Joe Camp) Campanella."

check out the fbi documents listing all this http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/mafia-soldiers-support-bush-cheney

Great! Nice work Daps.
We almost got the whole Family here..! smile

I´ll add all of them on the list.

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