Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: GerryLang

I think Joe Baudanza was part of the Orena faction, another name I didn't see was Dino Calabro, not sure what side he was on.

I´m fairly sure Baudanza was part of the Persico faction.
He was put in a leadership role right after the war. I don´t believe Persico would have promoted him, not even as a reconciliation move, if he had been a Orena guy.

As of Calabro, he seems to have been with Gioeli at that time. He was alegedly invovled in a murder summer of 1991 with Gioeli. Gioeli switched sides sometime later. I´m not sure if Calabro also did, or if he stayed with the Orena side.

John Baudanza was with the orena faction

"Back in the early 1990s, Baudanza was a rough-and-tumble, up-and-coming Colombo associate. He and DeMartino, were on the same team of family rebels aligned with acting boss Victor (Little Vic) Orena in a bloody two-year-long losing effort to depose family boss Carmine (Junior) Persico and his choice to take over the family, his mobster son Alphonse."



Louis Malpeso, Robert Gallagher, Joseph Amato, Christopher Liberatore, craig marino, vincent fusaro, tommy cappa, chris barrett, salvatore miciotta, all orena loyalists

anthony ferrara, Thomas McLaughlin was with the persico faction


Last edited by Dapper_Don; 02/12/12 02:34 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.