Originally Posted By: Lilo

Yes, but it's questionable as to who exactly the HHS quote is referring to when it lists "employers who do not offer coverage.." since the mandate would include everyone except the literal brick and mortar church. Would the church have to put up such rules? Even if the Church does what it's done in similar situations and refuse health coverage for everyone it seems like this order indicates they would still have to tell folks where to get contraceptives. Free Speech concerns?

The way I see it is that why Church wouldn't pay a flat premium to a number of medical insurance companies who provide different plans (some with contraceptive, some without) for each employee and have them choose what they want and pay for the rest themselves? Why even meddle in a situation that is unsavory to them?

I agree that it's a very gray area, but what has caused this, is that religion has oozed into matters of state. Medicine is a matter of state and religion should have no say in that.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones