Originally Posted By: Lilo
Their institution; their rules. If you go to a Catholic institution they don't ask you to become Catholic or believe as they do but they do ask you to abide by their rules. If you don't like it the door swings both ways. lol

I know you don't advocate what they do, merely their right to do so under the constitution, yet, that should be applied to a place where I go on my own accord, when I'm not incapacitated to make a decision for myself, like a school. When they take a rape victim who is usually badly beaten and not able to make a decision for herself to a Catholic hospital, all the bets are off. More importantly, what if a person does not know about these choices that would have been given to her in another establishment? A patient should have a right to be presented with all the options available regardless of his/her doctor's beliefs. This is just unprofessional attitude sanctioned by religion.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones