Originally Posted By: Lilo

Yup. All insurance providers will have to include free (no co-pay or deductible) contraceptives in their plans. The only exception is for people who literally work at the church. Church hospitals, charities, schools or social service agencies would have to bend the knee and purchase contraceptive coverage.

Ouch. I'm against that as well if it makes any difference. grin The employer should pay their share of premium and let the employee choose whatever insurance they want to have. That's absurd.

Originally Posted By: Lilo
Yes, AFAIK Church hospitals would not provide those sorts of options. It's against their moral stricture.

That's why I say they should have no business providing medical care. Medical care has its own moral code. There should be a separation of medicare and religion just as state and religion. What about patient's rights and choices? ohwell

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones