Yesterday I went to Deadwood , SD. Not to many of you that I know have been out to this great State.

Deadwood is the place that Will Bill Hickcock was shot in and died fairly young. It was a super little town lot of history and alot of fun. Then they made it into all Gambling. Alot of Casino's. Passed a smoking bill, and then the econmy taking adump. It has went some what done hill.

Went there yesterday put in my $20.00 and came home with 135.00 that is a first in history for me. lol If I didn't have bad luck , I wouldn't have any at all. But alot of fun , sure alot of older folks. And not smoking it was ok. You could sure smell the ones that did go out every 20 minutes.

Do any of you folks play alittle bit? I played the slots yesterday, not much of a a card man. Could have shot craps.

Have a Great Day !