Originally Posted By: m2w
Yeah but compared to their size and strength 50, 40, even 30 years ago, attrition has had a very visible effect even on NY.

the downfall of ny family is because of rico law in the '80, i doubt general attrition has some faults in the downfall... still today whole district like staten island are over 50% italian

as of 2009, staten island was 35.7% italian (prob lower now)


"Whites are the racial majority in Staten Island. Of the borough's 491,000 people, over 372,000 are white, which is over three-quarters (75.7%) of the population. Over 323,000 non-Hispanic whites reside in the borough, and they make up 65.8% of the population. The Caucasian population is largely Italian and Irish. Sizable communities of Germans, Russians, Albanians and Poles are present. There are over 175,000 Italian Americans living in Staten Island, and they make up over one-third (35.7%) of the population. Roughly 65,000 Irish Americans live in the borough, and they make up over one-eighth (13.2%) of the population. People of German, Russian, and Polish descent make up 5.7, 3.8, and 3.4% of the population, respectively."


Last edited by Dapper_Don; 01/29/12 09:00 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.