one thing you have to keep in mind is that a lot of these guys have legitimate business that bring in a lot of money. from the capo regime down the some of the more established associates and soldiers, they have some very viable construction,trucking, real estate, pornography, staffing, restuarant business, etc. Some of us in Cleveland have real estate, staffing, construction businesses that bring in on the upwards of 50 million per year, when you're a capo kicking up 7.5 to 10%, in some cases 5%, that is a lot of money. If you family has 10 to 20 capos with viable legit businesses plus all the side money, it doesnt take long to add up. With the new york guys, I remember some of the guys saying that paul had some type of chicken slaughter distribution plant that was a major operation, others have car dealerships, those are 50 to 100 million a year ventures.