Yeah I really don't think Graziano will do much more time for this. For one he really didn't say much all it sounded like is someone collecting a debt. He said nothing about injuring this person, in fact he said no no of course not when it came to him being hurt. A good lawyer, which I'm sure he has, will be able to get him out of this. Loan shark is collecting a debt using force or juice. On tape neither was said. As for Pagan, ya never know who is strong enough to face a prison term. So yes a rat but also a coward. I think the FBI spends too much time on the so called mafia, especially something as dumb as loan shark am gambling, very desperate attempt to put these men behind bars. If I borrow money to friends and want it back and yell and scream now u owe me more for the incovienence am I a loan shark lol when I was younger my dad charged me rent if I didn't have it he charged me juice, again desperate. If u wanna borrow money pay it back it's none of the FBIs biz who I borrow money too lol. Unless they wanna pay it back or borrow the money stay outa it. They need to spend more time on these careless gang member who go around killing everyone including small children.