Originally Posted By: m2w
1 billion a year is too little, come on
in italy there are single members who have assets close to 2-3 billions, single members who earn more than 100 millions a year
it's impossible the 5 families earn less than a single italian mobster in italy
i bet the bonanno's alone earn more than 1 billion a year

I dunno man. You figure between 5000 and 10,000 members and associates total (and that's generously allowing for between like 7 and 15 associates per member), they'd have to be averaging $100,000-$200,000 in profits every year for them to clear a billion all together. The situation in Italy is a lot different than it is for street guys in the USA. It's a lot harder for them to make huge amounts of money as anything too ostentatious would get smacked down by the feds right quick.

And this isn't even taking into account all the members who are inactive or in jail, which could be maybe even a fourth (or more?) of the total membership.