Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles

I think that the first seeds that led to the Mafia decline was sown when its members started to value money over honor, loyalty and total obedience. Money corrupted the original values and rules that the Mafia was built upon.

I think there never was any honor in the mafia. Even the "traditionalist" mafiosi who opposed themselves to Totò Riina's Corleonesi didn't hesitate to kill women and children. Also, drugs have started to be sold much time before the "new" mafia came to power.

Last edited by Dwalin2011; 01/22/12 02:36 PM.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."