Originally Posted By: BridgeportVet
I don't remember targeting you or posting to you directly, or any of that. I don't know who you are, nor do I care to. I don't care about any of your goofy internet bullshit gossip, I speak the Truth. I don't drop names & I don't fuck around. If you would like to discuss things rationally, I would be somewhat glad to oblige you. I don't give a fuck about your goofy friends that post here or who posted here before or any of that fuckin nonsense. Unless you have anything of worth to contribute to the discussion, please refrain from getting involved. You obviously just want names/etc. & it's not gonna happen. You come off as a goofball wannabe, no offense.
ok let's speak rationally give us some proof. something. if you don't fuck around than im sure you would be more than happy to give us some cold hard facts. and i don't want names. i just want something more than "i just know" "im not getting into that" "im from chicago" and please, explain to me how im a wannabe? what am i trying to be? im just some asshole convicted felon on a message board. anything i say i back up. and if i'm wrong about something i admit it. ask anyone here that. i've often asked people to correct me IF i am wrong. not really trying to be anything. you on the other come off as a wannabe with your inside knowledge that appears to be some dreamland made up bullshit.

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!