Absolutely untrue, besides the fact that Joe Batters "shared" power with Ricca, which was somewhat true, but Ricca still had final say on every major matter. Tony Accardo was a roach to Moe Giancana, lol. Come on now, you people actually believe this FBI-proposed nonsense? Accardo didn't pass the torch to anyone, Giancana was the obvious choice, he had everything you wanted out of a boss. No one had any type of authority over Sam Giancana, he was the greatest Outfit boss of them all, followed by Ricca & Aiuppa. Joe Batters knew he couldn't compete with guys like Ricca/Moe/Aiuppa and he was perfectly content with taking a back seat to those guys. It boded well for him, as he remained wealthy & healthy for a very long time, and avoided the slammer like a champ. But the main guy? Never, always & forever a consigliere.