Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
And, for the record, Chicago has had more than one rat. It's just only one guy out of that group was a made guy. And that's probably due to the unique situation of making guys in Chicago.

What I find amusing is that some of those who play up this "Chicago only has one made rat" thing also make a big deal out of how powerful and high-ranking unmade associates in Chicago are.

What's left of the Chicago mob is relatively disciplined and secretive

Still, as I have said before I strongly suspect it's less a matter of them being disciplined and secretive, and more a matter of them not doing much.

Originally Posted By: Nicholas
Detroit, Chicago, New England.

I'd say that in that order too.

I agree that New England seems to be more "alive" than Chicago and will probably last a bit longer.

Last edited by Ivan; 01/16/12 05:35 PM.