Originally Posted By: moolou
What do you think of Detroit, Ivy? Do you think it's possible they're as functional as McScott makes them out to be on RD? Or are they more akin to Buffalo? Ie. somewhat high number of members, but not doing too much. No unions, no real source of power.

I've said it many times. While I appreciate the insight mcscott does give on Detroit, he does tend to exaggerate the family's size and scope. It's not an uncommon thing for authors to do with their subject. As I've pointed out before, back in the mid-1990's, the family was estimated to have 30 made members at most. Now, according to mcscott's latest chart, it's doubled in size. Not likely. And I don't buy the lame, wishful thinking argument that the Detroit family is somehow smarter and sneakier or better connected so they can avoid law enforcement scrutiny unlike all the other families. So, yes, in my opinion the evidence shows the family is closer to Buffalo at this point.

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