Originally Posted By: Nicholas
Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Nope. No reverence. Fact. Even the cookie part (citation needed) He was a homicidal douchebag like every other mobster too.

Eh, I still think Riccobene was a stand up guy.
So he did really eat cookies left your for your Santa?

Yes. Cookies left your for your santa. Exactly.

You wins at grammars! Prize is your cookies for your santa!

Originally Posted By: Nicholas
Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

lol ^^^misses the point

You should probably actually read and watch more of his investigative journalism work. Keep puttin in the work friend!!

I'm not fan boyish enough to watch more of his investigative journalism, mob or non OC related.

lol But "fan boyish" enough to cry butthurt over "fantasy teams"? I get it. lol

Whatevs, Im just breaking your balls now. I dont really care if you guys want to make your "All Star Fantasy Mob Leagues", I was just agreeing with Philly. Keep putting in the work!!
