Salvatore Luciana aka Charles 'lucky' Luciano, is my favorite organized crime figure. Hence, Don Luciano.
I fell into the common mistake of using a surname after the title Corleone, Don Clericuzio, when in actuallity Don's were refered to with the first Carlo...Don Vito.
I make the assumption that the title 'Don' is rarely used by the Mafia post 1980, the last Gambino 'Don' to be refered to as 'Don' was Carlo Gambino. Why was this? Was it associated with old customs? Was it purley for legal reasons (ie, a wiretap that had two Mafioso reffering to their boss as Don would be very incriminating, gigante was extremley paranoid about this, going so far as to ban his family from saying his name) or maybe it was simply a custom that faded out?