Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The reason we're so disgusted is that we're convinced we're "the good guys". We want to believe, somehow, that we're better.

However, war is war. It's us vs. them. The purpose of war is to destroy the enemy. You don't keep your white hat too clean when you're doing that.


Americans don't have the stomach for a war anymore. They'd rather fight by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules than the street rule of killing your enemy. You kill your enemy. Let me say that again. You KILL your enemy. You kill his family. You kill his friends. Piss on his dead body is bad? Fuck that, you stomp his guts and piss down his throat.

If you have a problem accepting that then don't send an army into another country and try to tell them how to run their own lives.
