Originally Posted By: gemini_killer
Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: Mukremin

Riccobene? I could agree with the others grin

I put him there because he didn't manage to kill anybody during the war with Scarfo apart from Monte and even that was a sort of self-defense. And I also find his physical appearance very funny, he just doesn't look like a gangster, but like a dwarf Santa Claus lol, even though I know appearances may be deceiving.

lmao .. I first saw him in a interview and thought OK this fella is talking the talk..he's survived a few attempts on his life..but then I saw footage of him in court lol I ain't seen a gangster so small.. my kid could kick his ass

...guess you didn't read the bit about him taking a few shots while in a phonebooth, wrestling the gun out the hands of a guy 50 years younger and sending the hit team all running during a murder attempt. There's a reason he was made at 17. All due respect, he'd probably come down the chimney and kick your kids ass. Then possibly eat some cookies. Im not sure.

Author Thom L. Jones did a great piece on him for Gangsters Inc a while back; http://gangstersinc.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-trouble-with-harry

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 01/12/12 10:09 PM.
