Originally Posted By: phatmatress
Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
That about sums it up. I now believe that 2pac was simply in way over his head with guys like Suge Knight. Im not saying that Knight was directly responsible, but indirectly contributed.

There used to be a guy here named Vinny Gorgeous. He was an asshole. We did, however, have a great discussion on the murder, and he cleared up some misconceptions with some interesting video and such. The discussion can be found here; http://www.gangsterbb.net/threads/ubbthr...true#Post599734
he is still my friend. talk to him daily. he was not an asshole. just misunderstood

Ask him how was Vegas. wink

He was a dumb fucking asshole. No misunderstanding about it.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.