Something i have never understood not sure if its in the first episode but where Silvio asks Tony if he went to school with Artie Buco.

I can't understand this bit as surely they all regularly eat at visuvio which is why Charmaine is always on Artie's back. I assume that Silvio and Paulie being the age they were have been in the mob and aroun Tony for some time so its not like Silvio was new to the mob life and hadn't known Tony.

Infact it almost looks like in the first eps that Silvio wasn't meant to be one of the main characters. What position did Silvio hold at that time, was he a Capo?

My memory is abit hazy but appreciate anyone clearing it up.

Underworld UK

"The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled, Was Convincing The World He Didn't Exist"