Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: carmela
Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
lol lol

Srsly, hope you beat her ass. If its the one Im thinking of, she's bitchy as hell.

EDIT: Pics would have been totally hot but. JUST SAYEN, JUST SAYEN !!1! grin

It was bad while it lasted, but I can't say I beat her ass, no. My husband picked me up and put me back in the restaurant because her friend kept saying, "I'm calling the cops, I'm calling the cops." I did, however, pick up one of those aluminum garbage cans and throw it at her. Unfortunately, I missed and hit the parking meter. blush
She was a real bitch from day one. She came in the restaurant every Friday night.

she looks pretty good here she is



she goes by dimichele but its def her

Yep, that's her!!

Sorry to de-rail thread, JV.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.