I have just read a book called AMEXICA, all about the badlands down on the US?Mexico border (a very good book by the way). Now according to this book, Mexico is awash in crime, drugs and poverty, the cartels rule eveything -even the police, there are gun battles daily. The normal people are living in shanty towns and working in sweat shops for peanut money. Most of them are trying to get into the US!!!!

Now having read this i read in the paper the other day that Mexico is one of the new booming economies and will be in the top 10 within 10 years???
So i was just wondering what makes Mexico so rich, if it all seems so grim? I know tourism is good, but where does it get it's wealth from??

I have to say the food is awesome smile

Last edited by Yogi Barrabbas; 01/08/12 06:31 AM.

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!