Originally Posted By: Nicholas
Donnie Brasco, bar none

I agree, although I'm embarassed to say I've never seen A Bronx Tale

although back to what pizzaboy was saying regarding neighborhood location nitpicking - in Brasco they'd show overhead and exterior shots of Knickerbocker Village where Lefty (and a lot of those guys) lived in real life , but they'd also show a little exterior of Mulberry Street before cutting to Lefty's apartment. I think in the movie lefty also mentions something about being from mulberry...but knick village is further downtown, almost like a mile away which is a lot in manhattan terms. Also Brasco being a part of the 3 capos hit - we all know that didnt happen

but portraying them as middle class hustlers constantly looking for a score.. I buy that totally

Godfather 1 and 2 (dont even wanna mention 3 in the same breath) are obviously great, classic, greatest of all time movies ... but I consider them too "epic" for a realistic mob movie if that makes any sense

Last edited by tt120; 01/06/12 09:57 PM.