Yeah, another list thread. I'm a compulsive list maker, I think. [John Cusack, High Fidelity tongue wink ] Anyhow, there's probably been a thread or two about this before, but it's been a while and we've got new members, so what the hell, right?

Keep in mind, this is your favorites, not what you perceive to be the best. I think The Godfather is the best movie ever made, but I enjoy certain films more making them favorites. Capiche? Here we go.

1. Pulp Fiction/Fight Club [a tie, I really can't pick just one, I love them both equally]
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. GoodFellas
4. Jackie Brown
5. True Romance
6. American History X
7. Taxi Driver
8. The Godfather Trilogy
9. Kill Bill
10. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

10-25, not ordered: The Matrix/Matrix Reloaded, Blow, From Dusk 'Till Dawn, The Boondock Saints, Raging Bull, Edward Scissorhands, Silence Of The Lambs/Red Dragon, Snatch, High Fidelity, My Cousin Vinny, Heat, The Green Mile, Scarface, Dog Day Afternoon, Rain Man and Donnie Brasco. [bleh, there's sixteen... one more, so fuck off tongue ]

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw