Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: Mark
We watched "Contagion" last night and I have been washing my hands every ten minutes ever since!

I KNOW! It was very realistic, albeit a bit clinical. At least it wasn't overly dramatic, like "Outbreak" - no last minute miracles. I didn't get the point of the whole Chinese village and the French doctor, but overall a very good film.

My daughter is a nursing student, and when we saw it she had just finished taking Microbiology. One of her assignments was to go around the building and swab public areas to see what you could grow. My daughter swabbed the elevator button. I will never look at one the same way. sick

panic I hear you Babe! For one of my daughter's classes she was assigned to observe people in every public setting they could view. Bus, stores, trains, shops, etc. She said the things they do with their hands and what they do afterwords is disgusting. She carries Purel with her all the time and uses a pencil to press buttons and things!