Originally Posted By: Fame

Is that the one where Shia LaBeouf is screaming like a little girl every 2 secs? even for a Bay film that was too much. It's amazing how dumber we get with too much technology and phonetoys in our hands.

I don't blame technology for that turkey. That's foolish. (Hell the recent TINTIN was pretty good, in spite of that despised mo-cap animation.) I blame it on Mr. Bay. (and Shia of course. Dude can't act. The robots act better.)

Originally Posted By: Fame

Is it any wonder that critics call "The Artist" a masterpiece? a black and white silent film! lovely idea, but also very sad we need to go back in time to make a good movie....

I'm all for silent movies as a cinemaphile. I'm sure its a quality decent production and all that, but what's keeping me from wanting to see THE ARTIST is the gimmickry of it. I'm reminded of many movies in recent decades that purposely go Black & White. Granted, we've had some great ones (RAGING BULL, MANHATTAN, etc.), but for the most part, it's handled as a gimmick. Let's go film noir-y by doing black & white! Fuck you.

When Buster Keaton made THE GENERAL, that was the silent era. It was to be expected, it was the status quo. If it had been made during the talkies, he assumingly would've done it in sound. It was a great movie because Buster was funny as hell, and because he did insane stunts for a friggin movie as the Jackie Chan of his time. (Which incidentally why Chan has fondly referenced him a few times in his pictures.)

Again I sound bitter and dismissive of THE ARTIST, which again might truely be a terrific picture. I might change my tone with it. But I want progress, I don't want regressive jerking off. I want the future, not the past given a new paint job. (Or do I?)