Originally Posted By: Lilo
I recently watched the Fright Night remake with Colin Farrell playing the vampire Jerry. It was better than I thought it would be. Chris Sarandon had a cameo. The major difference is that the new film very quickly has the main character realize that "Jerry" is a vampire.

There is a particularly creepy scene in which Jerry tries to manipulate Charlie into inviting him into his house. Before that Charlie didn't realize he was dealing with a vampire but does during the scene. I wouldn't have paid to see this movie in the theater but VOD was perfect..

I agree, I thought it was decent too. Of course I thought the original version was decent as well (if overrated by the Internet), if primarily worth watching because of the late great Roddy McDowell.*

What bothers me is that the FRIGHT NIGHT remake bombed. Why is it that in recent years, any decent horror (or horror-flavored at least) movie bombs in theatres while the public rewards the latest mindless, boring, insulting horror sequel or Bay-produced remake? I'm reminded of another solidly entertaining horror-themed release in DAYBREAKERS, which didn't just bomb, it never broke weekend box-office Top Ten.

And people wonder why that genre is too busy felching itself.

*=Who incidentally also help make another pretty decent 80s matinee picture in CLASS OF 1984 much better than it had any right to be.