Originally Posted By: GaryH
Destefano did indeed kidnap a black guy at random and force him and his wife (Sam's wife) to do it!!!!

Destefano also used to defend himself in court where he was known to talk through a bullhorn and come up with random statements such as "have you ever seen an elephant".
Destefano also as mentioned, tortured one of his own debt collecters who Sam believed was stealing from him by chaining him to a radiator for 3 days then forcing the mans family to urinate on him to cool him down!
There is also a story about Sam from way back in the 50's about him decorating his car with apples, oranges, lemons and grapes.
When cops pulled his fruity vehicle over they arrested him but found to their dismay that they couldnt actually find anything to charge him with!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Destefano was nuts............ and extremely dangerous!
nuts for sure...was he made into the outfit?

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!