Originally Posted By: Ivan
Originally Posted By: Jimmythepen
Interesting. Up until the 90's or so killings, publically at least, were quite a regular occurance, right? Weekly or at times almost a daily basis.

It was never daily. The only example when I can think of it being weekly was Chicago during Prohibtion (something like 500 killings over 10 years or so, so an average of about one per week).

Maybe if you added all the hits going on nationwide during prohibition, it might average out to roughly daily hits, but I doubt it.

Today, if you included street gangs as "organized crime", they might be killing each other on a daily basis, but I don't think that's what you were asking.

Would they be street gangs related to LCN, or all the other gangs all included in NY? And yeah it wasn't daily all the time I understand that I didn't elaborate, in spurts it might of been ie, if there was a war going on or through periods with retaliation killings and the like.

Sorry if I'm asking alot of questions by the way, just having finished The Sopranos ( genius show ) I'm just trying to find out the facts of how the real mob relates to The Sopranos.