In the last few years I've developed a massive taste for the Theatre, maybe it's because my entertainment tastes have matured, or as my mates would have me believe - it's because I've grown a vagina. Either way the thing that is certain is that I love the buzz of seeing a live performance knowing that these actors are acting for real, day in day out with no option for retakes.

So my question is, who else loves the Theatre and what's been great to go and see? It doesn't matter whether it's a grand West End produced musical or one man monologue in a backstreet small studio.

For me it only started just less than two years ago and I saw the great Les Miserable at Manchester's Palace Theatre. I was instantly hooked. It's probably most known for I Dreamed a Dream (and SuBo's stunning take of it) but it has a whole soundtrack of classics, from Master of the House, Castle on a Cloud and it's recurring Look Down theme throughout. But my personal favourite is the confrontation between Javier and Valjean.

Other big productions I've so far seen include Footloose, Legally Blonde (yes perhaps I have grown a vagina), Dirty Dancing and Monty Python's Spamalot. And as of next year I'll be seeing the classic Phantom of the Opera for the first time.

I've seen a good few independently produced plays too which tend to be much grittier and more imaginative. I might come back to those before this turns into an epic no one will read.

So die all who betray Giuliano