Originally Posted By: BAM_233

i doubt they will have rothstein killed off before 1928(?).

Not saying when it will happen before 1928, as in all likelihood the show's timeline itself will probably lead up to the infamous Atlantic City Conference which took place in 1929. But I just don't like the facial insinuations by Luciano and Lansky and the undertones that seem point in the direction of their being the ones who will eventually take out Rothstein.

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
One thing that bothers me is the way that they portray Lucky Luciano on the show. At times they made him look like some kind of a dumb schmuck...which I do not believe that he was.

That bothers me too, DC. Luciano was anything but a schmuck. And he was never servile. One of his greatest strengths was to recognize that non-Sicilians--even non-Italians--could be helpful to him in organizing Organized Crime.

Exactly right TB. While I love the show and for the most part think that the writing is pretty terrific, it is my opinion that the writers are dropping the ball with Luciano's character.

Don't know about you, but I am looking forward to the Starz show "Magic City." Hoping that being it is set in 1959 it will touch on or base itself on some of the mob happenings of that era as well as somehow mixing in the events that took place in Cuba at that time.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.