Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Celebrate, Celebrate, dance to the music. Ms. MC got an increase in her Social Security - 3.6%! She's only been on it since July. Holy Freakin' Cow! I haven't had a raise since 2003. My taxes go up, gas goes up, the cost of consumables goes up, but not my wages. I guess I'm in the wrong business. WTF. Something is drastically wrong here. If you're a government worker, I don't want hear you f'n cry about having to chip in on medical benefits; you with your 5 weeks vacation, 11 paid holidays, sick time and cost of living raises. Eat me. Oh, pardon me, you might be offended. But thank me, I'm paying for all your perks. The perks you get you doing a shitty job.
lol Now you are talking MC . This is what I am saying all those idiots in Washington, congress etc. We are paying them to it must be nice to take a fricken vacation when ever and set there and fart in their leather chairs.