Oh, I see. I thought we were going off known and demonstrable facts rather than just assumptions that support certain theories. My mistake.

i'm absolutely right about gambino's and bonanno's, i suppose about genovese's but since the zips run the actual commission is very plausible de vita is the boss now

Half of Brazil and South Africa? OK.

when i said 'half' i meant they are the richest men in both countries, they run multibillionairte empires and they are close to the president of that countries

Cosa Nostra makes more money from public works contracts than drugs because it's been marginalized in the drug trade. But drugs are a more lucrative business.

forget somebody marginalized cosa nostra, nobody could, it was forced by the government because too much under pressure not because ndrangheta or somebody took over... but today it's back in this field and it control a large part of it, although drugs today is a business for losers since public works, waste disposal are multibillionaire business yes even bigger than drug trade
