Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: Lilo
Since, contrary to his usual habit Jimmy was unarmed do we think that he knew/accepted what was going to happen? As did Richard?

I believe that he knew and was ready to face what was coming to him. When the "Tin Man" says that he is going to come with him, Jimmy immediately tells him to stay put because this is something that he must do himself.

How GODFATHEResque was this episode?

I loved this season much more than the first.

And as our esteemed friend Turnbull has pointed out, the writers of this show have taken many liberties with the characters and what may or may not have really happened in real life. One thing that bothers me is the way that they portray Lucky Luciano on the show. At times they made him look like some kind of a dumb schmuck...which I do not believe that he was.

I also get the impression that the writers are slowly laying a foundation to eventually make it look as though Lansky and Luciano set up the murder of Arnold Rothstein. Little facial expressions as well as remarks made here and there almost make it look like they are not happy with Rothstein.

i doubt they will have rothstein killed off before 1928(?).