Originally Posted By: m2w
the genovese's are mostly sicilians... not zips but people of sicilian descent like bellomo, mangano, dentico, de vita, muscarella and all the actual top dogs have sicilian origins
it was formed by sicilians (piddu morello)
yeah it was named after vito genovese who was napolitan but the hard-core remain sicilian and like i said de vita could took over since the zips run the commission now...
lol yes cosa nostra is maybe a shadow of its former-self but it's enough to be stronger than camorra and maybe even ndrangheta
1000 informants where? according italian police they were 300 250 from camorra and and 150 from ndrangheta
you forgot that the pressure of goverment in the 90s against sicilians were huge, i bet what would be left of camorra and ndrangheta under that kind of pressure...

hence their decline and restructuring.......is that so hard to understand?