Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I remember my grandmother frying the struffoli and then drizzling them with honey and sprinkles. They were wonderful. My aunt had the pizzelle iron - they were her specialty.

I don't love tiramisu, but I'm not a big fan of coffee-flavored desserts. But give me a cannoli or a sfogliatelle any day (PB, I'm thinking Egidio's).

As for i sfingi, are they something different than the St. Joseph pastries? We call the pastries that you only get in March I Sfingi di San Giuseppe.


Strange as it might seem, my family didn't really do the St. Joseph day feast. My husbands' grandmother did and I remember going once to see how she had decorated. I don't know why but that wasn't the "event" in my family as it seems to have been with others. confused

As for Sfinghi, for us it was a Christmas treat. I never have made it but I remember my grandmother making the dough and shaping or "bunching" (for lack of a better word)them and putting in boiling oil for just a few minutes. She then coated it with either sugar or powdered sugar (don't remember which).


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

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