Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
PB, tell me some of the Scotch places names so i can check them out online. I would love to go them some day. Very proud of me old Scotch blood, even if i am born in England, their deadly enemy lol

Well, the ones in the Bronx (like Piper's Kilt) don't seem to have websites. But Piper's does a have a Facebook page.

The bigger joints in Manhattan seem to have their own sites. St. Andrews (on the west side) is one of the better known places. I went to a Christmas party there a few years ago, and I've gone back several times for dinner. Good steaks and whatnot. They also own a half dozen other places in the city. The links are at the bottom of the St. Andrews webpage.

Here's the link: http://www.standrewsnyc.com/

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