Raids on Italian OC in Montreal....

Police conducting 13 drug raids in Montreal

Postmedia News December 6, 2011 9:07 AM

MONTREAL - Montreal police and Quebec provincial police were conducting 13 raids in Montreal's east end Tuesday morning, targeting "Italian organized crime" and illegal drug distribution.

The raids on 12 homes and 1 business were centered in Rivière des Prairies, Montreal police Constable Daniel Lacoursière said.

As of 8 a.m. 10 men and two women had been arrested in the operation, police said.

oogle translation:

Police operation in Montreal
The police delivered a serious blow to Italian organized crime
Daniel Renaud 06/12/2011 7:31 - Updated 06/12/2011 10:43

MONTREAL - Fourteen people were arrested Tuesday morning, when the Montreal police were conducting a major operation against an active cell of the mafia.

The operation began around 6 am in the east of the island of Montreal, especially in the Rivière-des-Prairies.

Eight of those arrested (11 men and three women) are known to the police. Most are related to Italian organized crime as some have links with gangs. A total of 10 searches were conducted, in September in Montreal and Longueuil others (in the district of Saint-Hubert), in L'Assomption and Charlemagne. Most of the places visited are residences, but there is also a garage that served as a warehouse that was raided.

One hundred police officers took part in this operation which is the result of an investigation of several months conducted by the Organized Crime Division of the Montreal police.

"The defendants in this case would have been more than 50 kilograms of cocaine on the black market since last October," said the spokesman for the Montreal police, Daniel Lacoursière.

The police also seized cocaine and marijuana.

The Sûreté du Québec and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police worked with the SPVM in this operation.

"The police have no territory, said Lafrenière. It is a blow to the organization. It has been shown that they share information and work together."

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