Originally Posted By: antimafia
Originally Posted By: eurodave
[quote=m2w]the rizzuto family is maybe dead but not the caruana- cun trera and somebody (probably montagna) killed one of his relatives agostino [/quote

The Caruana-Cun-t-rera clan is sidelining with whoever is going to be a major narcotics player.

For now it seems the Siderno Group is exactly that, no wonder big Joe and Joe Coluccio were together.

The Inzerillos were trying to re-open drug routes between Palermo, the Gambinos and the Siderno Group, not the Rizzuto-Caruana-[BadWord]'s.

That should tell you something.


Have you read portions of the February 7, 2008 Old Bridge document prepared by the Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia of Palermo?

One link to the online document is


and there is a discussion on pp. 20 and 21 of Filippo Casamento and Giovanni Inzerillo's contact with individuals in the Toronto area for several days in January 2004, notably a 9-hour behind-closed-doors meeting at the Da Peppino restaurant at 2201 Finch Avenue West, in Toronto, on January 25.

Are you aware of any further reporting, anywhere, about this meeting, especially about who was in the meeting?

On p. 105 of the aforementioned document is the following:

Al riguardo, si richiamano i contatti telefonici e personali registrati in Palermo nell’estate del 2004, con soggetti provenienti dal Canada, quali RONDINI Iulian^66 e MORDOCCA Julian^67, indicati come “vicini” alla famiglia mafiosa dei COMMISSO, ed orbitanti nel sodalizio criminale canadese facente capo a SCARCELLA Peter di Toronto, quest’ultimo legato all’organizzazione criminale operante in Montreal, capeggiata da RIZZUTO Vito.

The above indicates that in Palermo in the summer of 2004, it was the Sicilians' turn to host a meeting, with telephone and personal contact being made with Canadians Iulian Rondini (actually born in Rumania) and Julian Mordocca (born in Toronto). The confusing part of the above excerpt is that you can't determine whether Rondini and Mordocca are associates who are "attached" to the Toronto-area Commissos (Siderno Group) but also known in Peter Scarcella's circles, or whether Rondini and Mordocca are actually a part of Scarcella's group and are known in the Commissos' circles. One reason for the confusion is that, at that point in time, Scarcella and the Commissos had known one another for close to 25 years, possibly longer.

Regardless, do you know whether the Rizzuto organization circa 2004, or afterward, lost the opportunity to work with the Gambino Family in New York because the Gambinos preferred to work with the Siderno Group in Toronto and overseas in Italy?

Excellent information.

From my understanding, and my Italian is very good, that part of the quote indicates the following:

Rondini and Mordocca are close to the Commisso crime family and orbit around Scarcella's group. Scarcella is tied to Vito Rizzuto family in Montreal.

This would make me believe that they were part of Scarcella's group and obviously Scarcella was close to the Calabrians.

My info about the Inzerillo's attempt to renew ties with the Siderno Group come from Maurizio Di Gati, a pentito from Cosa Nostra.