Originally Posted By: 22
Right Dapper Don that's what I took from it also,but when it says a couple of guys from Pagan's crew flipped I'm still wondering how it came up.Maybe I'm trying to complicate this too much,but I'm trying to place in my mind the Feds saying to the guys that flipped,''What kind of info.can you give us on mob stuff to save your butts''We were robbing high-stakes poker games with H.Pagan''So then the feds go and arrest Pagan just like that.I mean was there even proof of a crime,I'm sure the guys that got robbed didn't report a crime.I don't know maybe I'll just stop there.But do you see my point.I mean if somebody gets whacked and they find a body,the body is proof somebody got whacked,then the feds could say to somebody like Pagan who killed so and so,but in this case where's the proof?

i see your point and I think your thinking too much into it

what prob happened was the feds approached pagan's buddies with evidence of the card game robberies or some other charges, the buddies didnt want to go to jail and they offered to flip and told the feds pagan was on the score with them with a gun, the feds approached pagan with this and flipped him against tg

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.