Originally Posted By: eurodave
Montagna was a middle man for both groups and was trying to become top dog in Montreal while doing so.

Why would Ontario mafiosi need Montagna as a middle man between them and Montreal? Those guys probably knew and worked with each other long before Montagna came to the scene. I think he was rather a middle man between them and New York, and maybe the Rizzuto murders were approved by New York through Montagna. I would go as far as suggesting that Montagna even initiated it. However, he still remained an outsider to local mafiosi.

The next murder will determine what`s going on but there seems to be a pattern and so far, anybody Sicilian and close to the Rizzuto or involved with them is being executed.

There seems to be a pattern indeed, but much of the evidence that we have suggests that Montagna wasn't exactly involved with the Rizzutos.

Montagna wanted a big slice and truth be told, why would some Bonnano boss be able to run Montreal?......he`s only lived here for two years and could have all the contacts in the world, but he`s not part of local social fabric.

True that. It seems like Montagna was killed by local mafiosi who probably had more than enough of his manoeuvres. But I doubt that it was actually carried out by the same coalition.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."