Originally Posted By: 22
What I don't understand is how Pagan got busted for robbing card games.I read that transcript and apparantley he and his crew went to the place and Pagan aimed his gun at their knees and said empty your pockets to the players.They also hit 2 wall safe's that were virtually empty.Small score[like 5 grand]for a big risk.But my question is how do you get arrested for it?The ones who got hit[I think Bonanno's crew]are not going to report it to the cops.That's basically something you take care of on your own,in house.you don't call the feds and say this is so and so from the Bonanno crime family and our illegal poker game just got robbed.Can somebody fill me in?

i thought some of the guys with pagan flipped and told the feds about the score from what i read then the feds went after pagan and he flipped/got wired up against TG

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 12/05/11 02:50 AM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.