Originally Posted By: Mooney
As long as the guy who owe's the 150K doesn't testify he should be good right? And obviously as long as there are no other tapes.

They've gotten convictions before when the alleged debtor swore up and down that it was a "friendly loan," so who knows? To me it looks like a shaky case, but who knows what other evidence they have?

Graziano is kind of high profile and considered an "old timer," so I don't think the Feds would indict him unless they really believed that they'll beat him. They wouldn't want the negative publicity. I mean, lets be honest, they don't have a 96 percent conviction rate at trial for nothing. They stack the deck, and they win. Plus, his loser son-in law being the star witness will probably hurt him more than help him.

Time will tell.

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