Like Bitterqueen, and Hollywood Goodfella, oh and fivefamilies --- Hey Dappah! ;-), I've found that the best info on mob related crime is a blog, hell look at Jerry Capeci. A few days ago I stumbled upon this guy's blog, this guy has great stuff, check here if you want some good intel on the recent HA/Vagos thing goin' on. Dude's name is Joe Bruno, the Italian name just gives me a lot of confidence in liking this dudes intel.

Here's some Angel stuff:

The suspected origin of the recent Vago/Hells Angel (anyway, I always thought these two MCs always hated each other)

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer