Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

I never said the US/Canadian border wasn't porous. If you look at the DEA reports, there are plenty of busts/seizures involving OC groups trafficking drugs across the border. I said that, when it comes to Italian OC, actual examples of drugs being trafficked southward, from Canada to the U.S., are rather rare. There is little evidence to support the assumption that the mob guys in Montreal or Toronto were ever trying to tap into the NY market in a big way. Or that the ongoing killings up there have anything to do with a struggle over who will control that pipeline. A pipeline into and distribution in Montreal or Toronto? Yes. But not really from there into New York or elsewhere in the U.S.

Ivy, let's agree to disagree. smile

I just do not see this being a beef over construction extortion or bookmaking.

I think it is drugs and power.

I think those smuggling routes have been in frequent use since Prohibition. I think the Canadian LCN / OC has plenty of contacts in South America and in Europe to move cocaine, heroine, etc into Canada and subsequently down into the US. That is their pipeline, no? Don't some of the Canadians have blood relatives in South America?

The Caruna - Contrera org (among other Canadian OC) has been smuggling forever. We both know the Bonannos have been neck deep in junk since the 50's.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.